The Governor’s Prevention Education and Community Empowerment PEACE Council was established:
- To advise the Governor of Guam on current state and community‐level programs, policies and practices relative to mental health promotion and substance abuse prevention and early intervention efforts and resources needed.
- To support the work of Guam’s State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) in the collection, analysis and reporting of Guam data on mental health and substance abuse consumption patterns and consequences.
- To guide and support state and community‐level organizations in their development and implementation of comprehensive mental health and substance abuse prevention and early intervention Plans for Guam that are: data‐driven, strategic, culturally relevant and sustainable for Guam; and
- To advocate for the strategic use of data by government‐funded entities for determining what mental health and substance abuse prevention policies, programs and practices to serve to be the most necessary and effective for the people of Guam.
History and Membership
The Governor’s PEACE Council was initially created in 2003, whose appointed members represent the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, private sector and community‐based prevention advocates. The Council was charged with the development of policies, programs, and practices to address Guam’s substance abuse and suicide problems, which includes planning, implementing and evaluating comprehensive evidence‐based prevention strategies that result in positive environmental changes. Based on Executive Order 2011‐03, signed on January 2011, Governor Calvo appointed the following Council members, representing distinct sector and groups within the community:
- Theresa Arriola, Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center
- Victor Camacho, Sanctuary, Inc.
- Peter Barcinas, University of Guam (Cooperative Extension Services)
- Mayor Robert Hoffman, Mayors' Council of Guam
- Catherine Castro, Guam Chamber of Commerce
- Angelina Cruz Lape, Guam Department of Education (Head Start Program)
- Dr. Annette David, State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup
- Dr. Tim Dela Cruz, Guam Alternative Lifestyle Association, Inc.
- Jesrae Moylan; Community Member
- Deana Campbell, Guam Army National Guard
- LouAnn Manibusan, Superior Court of Guam
- Andresina McManus, Career Tech High Academy Charter School
- Melanie Brennan, Department of Youth Affairs
- Joachim Peter Roberto, Guam Community College
- Senator Therese Terlaje, 37th Guam Legislature (Committee on Health and Human Services)
- Sean Rupley, Youth for Youth LIVE! Guam
- Chief Stephen Ignacio, Guam Police Department
- Bernice A. McGill, Community Member
- Brian Hahn, TOHGE
- Gianna Sgambelluri, Community Member
Chairperson: Joachim Roberto
Co-Chairperson: Victor Camacho
PEACE Council Official Documents